In a devastating maritime accident off the Sicilian coast, a luxury yacht named Bayesian capsized in severe weather conditions. Early...
At least 23 people were injured when two gondolas of a Ferris wheel caught fire at a music festival near...
CHENNAI, India - In a somber turn of events, Rakesh Pal, the Director-General of the Indian Coast Guard, passed away...
As India gears up to celebrate its 78th Independence Day, a significant milestone in the nation's defense capabilities has been...
In a shocking incident in Northern Ireland, an 11-year-old boy has been formally charged with rioting and throwing petrol bombs....
In a tragic incident that has shocked both Ireland and Malta, an Irish man was shot dead by Maltese police...
A United Nations convoy carrying Irish troops narrowly escaped an airstrike in southern Lebanon last night, marking another alarming development...
Freedom of Expression in Berlin: Woman Fined for Pro-Palestinian Slogan In a controversial ruling, a Berlin court has fined a...
In a tragic incident, a hotel collapse in Germany's wine-making town of Kroev, situated along the picturesque Mosel River, has...
In light of recent unrest, the High Commission of India in London has issued an advisory urging Indian citizens traveling...